Thame Music Therapy


Woman makes funny face with director's clip prop in front

Improv theatre: Freeze tag, discovery and saying yes!

About a year ago I was looking to try something different, mainly for pleasure, but also to get a boost when I felt like my sense of invention and imagination was waning. I still consider myself a musician first and foremost, and I play and write when I can, but I was going through a […]

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BAMT Conference 2024 – Co-pilot vs Chauffeur

Last weekend I spent two days in Leicester for the BAMT (British Association for Music Therapy) Conference. I was really looking forward to it and, as a Midlander myself, it was great to be in that part of the country again. If truth be told though, I always get a bit queasy about these kinds

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Music Therapy Myths and Misconceptions

Last week I was interviewed live on Radio Berkshire about Thame Music Therapy. It was a light, magazine-type feature piece (think small talk in a cafe rather than a Radio 4 grilling), and it needed to have a broad appeal and touch on everyday life. It was an engaging conversation, with lots of interesting subjects