Thame Music Therapy

mental health

Woman makes funny face with director's clip prop in front

Improv theatre: Freeze tag, discovery and saying yes!

About a year ago I was looking to try something different, mainly for pleasure, but also to get a boost when I felt like my sense of invention and imagination was waning. I still consider myself a musician first and foremost, and I play and write when I can, but I was going through a […]

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Music Therapy Myths and Misconceptions

Last week I was interviewed live on Radio Berkshire about Thame Music Therapy. It was a light, magazine-type feature piece (think small talk in a cafe rather than a Radio 4 grilling), and it needed to have a broad appeal and touch on everyday life. It was an engaging conversation, with lots of interesting subjects

Hugh stands in front of Thame Music Therapy sign

Introducing the story behind TMT

To get this blog started, I thought I could say a little bit about who I am and how I came to set up Thame Music Therapy. We could go all the way back to piano lessons aged four with Miss Bitterling but I’ll save the complete autobiography for another time. So let’s begin with